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In 2013 my Husband, Howie, was diagnosed with mantle-cell Lymphoma. I would not have been strong enough for him or myself without Jesus, my family, and the support of my friends at Journey Church. Today, my husband and I are very thankful for everyone who was a part of that support community for us.
I never thought that I would be a regular at church, but I got involved in teaching Kid-Connect. I learned way more than the kids did, and because I started serving in Kid-Connect, I began to realize just how much I needed Jesus.
I’ve never been a part of anything like Journey Church. I’ve been to other churches. I’ve sat in congregations that were 100-200 people and felt all alone. At Journey, we’re family. It’s a big family - we share everything amongst each other, but more importantly, we share everything that we have back out into our community. That’s why I love my church!
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