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Bobby's Thursday Blog

Setback or Setup?

Which is it? When our life disappoints, do we throw in the towel? Or instead, is it our nature to look for the silver lining behind every gray cloud? This weekend at Journey Church Cynthiana we’re launching our first message series of January 2025, titled Joy-FULL. I have prayed several times this series from the Bible is exactly WHAT God wants and planned for us, right now.

If you’re the type of person who is always UP; trying to stay positive, keeping a happy face; even on rainy, dreary, cloudy days - shazzam, this series is really for YOU! We’re not Jesus. Nobody gets it right all the time. Even when we strongly believe God is setting us up for something good, something better, (heavenly) in the future; we can still “stub our toes” over real-time, life questions like, "WHY me?; WHY now?"

Know what I’m thinking in 2025? WHAT if people have been asking the wrong question for a really, long time? WHAT if, what is the better question??? Instead of asking why??? Ask NOW.. what?  SO… what?  BE… what?

Could it be this simple? Our puzzling questions for God? Could our setback (in Satan’s disguise), be God’s setup for WHAT’S better - not just in heaven, but on earth, every day?      

This four week series from Philippians, chapters 1-4, (get a head start, read chapter one) helps us answer one of life’s more puzzling questions. When life seems like such a dud, such a mystery; when our dreams die in a corner, never taking-off; when ambitions leave us stuck and grounded, feeling drained with few results; and every disappointment begins to feel like just another setback to overcome…. (wait for it…) big surprise ahead… next paragraph…

Even when we begin asking ourselves, "WHY is this happening?" when things aren’t working any longer; When we begin to wonder, "What is happening?" when prayers seem to bounce off the ceiling; and we ask, "WHAT is God doing?"

Answer: (for the touchdown and win)… like a Hail Mary pass… Jesus will make the difference!    

Join us this weekend at Journey Community Christian Church. In person and online. Journey Sat@6pm/ Sun@10:30am. God never ceases to amaze. He will always pull a victory out of the ashes. Go God!!!

Jesus changes everything. Come and See… bring a friend.


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