Bryan Martinez, Journey's Youth Minister, is speaking for me this weekend. I have asked him to present a message before I begin a new five week series, titled VALUED: People Matter Most. I will share helpful lessons from the Bible describing people like us; those often overlooked, undeserved because of various choices/circumstances in life. It will be spectacular.

Journey Church is the sort of place everyone learns fast; Jesus changes everything. We will help you get your Jesus story started or restarted and back in track. Jesus really is for everybody, not everybody knows; we have to tell everybody. Getting your own Jesus story started will be spectacular.
Whether you are going through grief from the loss of a loved one, loss of a job, or just a particular difficult period in life, Journey is a safe place to repair inside and then begin to recover with others recovering also. We are better together. Having a church family is spectacular.
I was just reading through Bryan’s outline. He is an excellent speaker. Join us this weekend and show your support; take some helpful notes. He has a message titled, ROAD TRIP. He has an outline from the Bible with a few travel tips and strategic planning before summer vacations fill our calendars. Bryan has made this message personal. It will be spectacular.
Life is like a road trip. We face lots of twists and turns. We can run into long delays and not arrive home when expected. Often we need to reroute our trip around detours after an accident. God is with us, always, through whatever sort of delay appears. He will guide us home safely; both on earth and heaven. Knowing that is spectacular.
Bring a seat buddy to be our guest and introduce them to Journey Church Cynthiana. They will enjoy their experience and find everyone inside genuine and friendly. This may be just the message someone needs to hear before taking off with family and friends to destinations everywhere. We hope your summer plans are spectacular.
P.S. - Make plans to stick around for our 5th Sunday - TACO POTLUCK meal right after Sunday worship. Bring a friend. Everybody needs to eat.
See you at Journey Church Cynthiana weekend…. It will be spectacular if YOU are there!