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Bobby's Thursday Blog

Campfire Songs

The fall weather is arriving right on time in many places. Some of my friends living in Colorado and the Northeast are posting pictures on social media of the start of leaves changing colors. They are wearing sweatshirts and hoodies in some of their posts. My friends in Texas are just glad they’ve finally gotten below 100 degrees. It has been a hot and humid summer in the South this year.

Fall brings a welcome change for most people. It causes me to reflect upon moments in the past when Connie and I camped out with teenagers in Colorado after a Christ In Youth summer event. Driving into the Colorado Rockies and higher elevation brought cooler temperatures. We enjoyed roasting marshmallows around the campfire. Cooking burgers and hotdogs while tenting in the mountains were the best.

In my mind, I can still smell the campfire smoke and hear the laughter of the teens. Connie and I are still in touch with many of those teenagers who are now adults with their own teens. Life is a wonderful thing when God is writing our story. I hope you also can reflect on many fond moments from past seasons of life to enjoy this time of year.

Maybe, soon, you can build yourself a small little campfire to gather around with family and friends. Sing a few camp fire songs. Gaze upward as smoke rises in the night air and note once again, God’s beautiful stars and lights in the sky. God has given us so many tangible ways to experience His love for us each day. Sometimes we need to step outside and gaze upward, to the heavens, with wonder and awe. His amazing love.

I invite you this weekend to join us at Journey Community Christian Church in Cynthiana if you do not have a regular family to worship with. This weekend we’ll explore from the Bible how amazing is God’s love for us. As a KLOVE song says, “If our story… is not good… God is not done…. Not done with it, yet” - JOY IN THE MORNING, Tauren Wells.

If you’re feeling a little discouraged, check out that KLOVE song and our Journey weekend message from the Bible. God is still working, right now. He is not done.

We are better together. We’ll help explain some of the mystery of God throughout the history of the world. Believe it or not, Church is a mystery for some people. Once we learn for certain that God loves people (John 3:16) what else do we need to know about God? For many people the Bible has been a mystery (like the Loch Ness monster & UFO’s). We have heard a lot of stories about the Bible but not really sure what it is all about. God has more for you!

If you know someone who says God is still a big mystery to them, invite them to join you this weekend. Explain to your friends and family the Bible is never beyond our reach. Everyone can have a working, clear understanding.

Just come and see for yourself what God is all about! It can be like gathering around a warm campfire with friends. Go God!

Here are cliff notes for the weekend. The Bible (Ephesians 3:1-12). When we read the Bible, God is revealed, and rewards us with new insight for living our best life.

Knowing the Bible, God, and Jesus more… always enriches our life. Never subtracts!

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