“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6 NIV

Christmas is still the most astonishing story the world has ever known. But it doesn’t end with Christmas Day celebrations. There is more, much more, for us to know. Jesus changes everything.
His birth helps us answer important questions. WHO is God? WHAT is He like? Jesus in Bethlehem helps us understand more. Isaiah proclaims Jesus is going to be known as Wonderful Counselor… just be honest…listen to His voice.. do what He says.
Isaiah proclaims 700 years before His birth Jesus will be Mighty God… working in us… for us…
and through us. Baby Jesus, Savior of the world. Joy to the world has arrived; bringing Good News of salvation to everyone.
This weekend at Journey Church Cynthiana we dive into the third description found in Isaiah 9:6. Jesus reveals our Everlasting Father… who is compassionate… caring… and always there for everyone.
If our journey with our earthly dad (family) was challenging at times this message will bring encouragement. No one gets it right all the time. There is no perfect family. We’re not Jesus. Even the best examples of earthly dads/families have flaws and struggles. Sometimes at Christmas celebrations we may feel lonely and left out. Jesus changes everything.
If this has been a part of your family experience, Jesus brings us fresh hope. God can do anything and everything. And Jesus' birth changes everything. Joseph and Mary were lonely figures in the first Christmas story. They were told there is no room for YOU in the inn. If you’ve ever felt unwelcome in the world, you’re in good company. So did Jesus family.
The angels brought Good News of Jesus birth to the world. This is why Jesus was born in Bethlehem. To help take away whatever stigma we (anyone) may have been given at our birth. We are always welcome at Christmas. There is room for everyone. Jesus wants to become our Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God… and Everlasting Father.
Join us this weekend in person/online. Bring a friend or two who is feeling especially blue this Christmas season. Just tell them… Come And See… Jesus birth changes everything.
Merry Christmas.