God is working on things even when we can’t see it. Life is a funny thing; up and down it goes. Like the weather always changing, sometimes suddenly, no one can seemingly manage it. No One except God. He has a plan and He is pulling, coaching, rooting, and nudging us along. “Follow Me,” He says.

This weekend we’re wrapping up our January 2025 series, JoyFULL, taken from Philippians in the Bible. Chapter 1: we discovered this life principle: Keep your chin up… whatever the circumstances. Chapter 2: we moved on: Chuckle at your challengers… don’t let people get the best of us. Chapter 3: we decided that Circumstances and people can distract us… like a brain freeze… God thaws us out redirecting our steps. Chapter 4: we conclude Worry and fretting is the worst JOY thief… God fixes that.
Knowing God better is always an upgrade. This is your invite to jump inside and join us in person and online for the final message. Bring a friend or guest and have them check things out at Journey. The Bible just makes so much sense. You don’t have to memorize it all. Just get started. Tell others, “Hey, I tried regular worship gatherings with God; this has changed everything. Jesus changes everything.”
I get it. We are all busy and winter can be long. It’s hard to squeeze in more God. However, whatever sacrifice we make for God is a big pay-off. We find renewed/restored/refreshed HOPE in ourselves and our world. It’s worth it. Always. Let’s do this. Grab a little boost this weekend in a church nearby.
If you plan on being with us at Journey and want a little head start, read Philippians chapter four. We have 3 big ideas we’ll talk about. How to refuel and refill our HOPE. Here’s a sneak peak: (1) Knowing we belong to God gives us peace (2) God’s grace and His power gets me through each day (3) God gives added value to my life right now, and forever.
Why not give it a shot? Journey Church Sat@6pm,/Sun@10:30am. Let God do what only God can do. He can/will… Fill us FULL of His HOPE ! Follow the bread crumbs each day which lead to God and our better life. Go God!
And, oh yeah, Keep your chin up!