I have been speaking to a lot of people who are having a difficult time locating affordable housing. Many people who are renting property have been informed their rent is increasing substantially. I have asked if they qualify for a bank loan? Do they have a down payment? A home builder is currently constructing 110 affordable homes in a subdivision where we live.

This is the largest residential building project in our area for years. Unfortunately, many people desperate for permanent housing do not qualify. Many local renters are unable to come up with the down payment for affordable priced homes. They often have low credit scores. This also prohibits them from regular financing through lending institutions. Â
Journey Church Cynthiana helps. We partner with with a local 501(c)(3) non-profit which builds Habitat style housing for families unable to qualify for financing. Unfortunately, our small local non-profit is only able to turn out 1 new home build at a time. Using volunteer labor as much as possible and purchasing building materials affected by inflation slows the process.
It can feel like building 1 home every 18-24 months is not good enough. The need is much greater indeed. We stay positive with a longer view in mind. In the last ten years or so, our organization has eight local families become 1st time homebuyers. Even though, we desire doing more, building more, with quicker completion times. Helping families get into a home is a worthy mission in our community.
Currently we are prepping our next build in 2024. We need to stage permits, materials, and foundation work in the next couple of weeks. This is a project you can help Journey Church with. You can donate resources for material costs. You can also volunteer a couple hours of your time. Interested? Stay in touch. Let’s build another home.
This weekend at Journey Church we begin a new summer series, Y.D.H.W.I.T. This acrostic stands for: You Don’t Have What It Takes. Just like our volunteer organization needs to stay focused on our mission, building homes, one at a time, most people like us will need a daily restart.
This Bible outline can be your blueprint and boost to get moving with God again. We all have times of struggle. We can find new traction, moving ahead when we gather with God. I promise this can help. We begin with a lesson like the foundation of a new home. Get everything all squared up. If you’ve ever thought, "I’m not quite GOOD ENOUGH... I'm not a good fit on this team...", don’t despair. We’re going to explore from the Bible what God says about our real value! Â
For all the bottom dwellers and not-quite-good-enough people of the world, this first lesson from our series is Good News. God is for everybody. Not everybody knows. We have to tell everybody. Bring a friend and get started. Join us in person and online. Journey Sat@6pm & Sun@10:30am.
Feeling stuck this summer? Have others told you that you’re NOT GOOD ENOUGH = don’t qualify, turned down, over-looked, passed by? Come and get a boost from the Bible and God. Jesus changes everything. He can set you free.
Hey, everyone feels the pressure to be good, better, and best. When life seems unfair Jesus is our rescue. Give it a shot. Come and check things out. Just because we’ve been turned down by others, Jesus says… it’s not over!