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Bobby's Thursday Blog


“Most people, if they are honest, hate too fail. However, if you asked them why they hate failing, you might not get a great answer. They may say, ‘Because failing stinks.’ Agreed. It does. That’s obvious. But why does it stink? Why do we hate to fail?

The reason we hate to fail is the same reason we hate finding awkward pictures of ourselves in old photo albums. It’s embarrassing! Failure shakes up the fantasy that we’re in control of things and makes us feel vulnerable.

Vulnerability. Now we’re getting somewhere. Feeling vulnerable is a scary thing. It’s not a place many people want to be. However, it is exactly the place that God so often meets us and changes our lives. Think about it: if everything we did succeeded, we might never learn to trust God at all. And if we’re not trusting God, we’ll start trusting something else, and then we’ll lose our way pretty quickly. However, once we’ve failed — even just once — and experienced God’s love and acceptance in that place of exposure and vulnerability, things start changing.” Bob Goff - FREE TO FAIL

Join us this weekend at Journey Church Cynthiana for another look inside the Bible. Last week we explored ways to grow our faith to Next Level stuff. This time we’ll grab some insight and positivity for renewal of confidence - especially, when things don’t go as planned.

From the Apostle Paul’s letter in Galatians 4:8-20, we will identify 3 relevant guidelines for our full recovery when faith takes a tumble and we stumble in everyday life with God. As Author Bob Goff shares in the paragraph above, “Most people hate failure.” Who wouldn’t! However, we’re not Jesus. No one gets it right all the time. Then what?

This outline from the Bible will bring us brand-new encouragement to step-up to the plate again; even if we swung for the fence, but struck out. God is bigger than our failure. Jesus changes everything. Even our lapses in faith which are setbacks. The Truth is, we’re all sheep and tend to wander. It’s ok to not be ok. Just don’t stay there. Our setback can be God’s setup, for deeper faith.

Grab this. God will use everyone. Even those who stumble.  “Because most of us are afraid of failing, we end up faking it and acting like somebody who isn’t us.” Don’t be a faker. Be real.

“Failures become opportunities for God to break pieces off of us so there’s more for Him to work with.” He is the potter and we are the clay (Isaiah 64:8).

Good News: Because of Jesus and the Cross… We are no longer defined by sin and failure. Instead, our relationship with Christ has set us free; even when we fail (Gal 5:1).

Need a spark? Join us and bring a friend. They probably need a boost also. Journey Church Cynthiana Sat@6pm/Sun@10:30am.


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