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Bobby's Thursday Blog

Trying Not to Irk People

“One evening a husband was being a nuisance with the remote control, surfing all the channels. Wife said, ‘You know, it really IRKS me when you flip through the channels like that!’  Husband glanced over at her then started whistling.  ‘Now, WHAT are you doing?’  Husband smiled and said:  ‘Well, I thought I might as well whistle while I IRK!’ ”

Healthy relationships are challenging to sustain over long periods of time. Nations who have been at peace find themselves at war throughout history. Wherever people are involved, there will be disagreements. Even in the best families and marriages, misunderstandings over the remote control can turn into annoying moments.

Some day we all need to try a little harder not to IRK one another. This weekend at Journey Community Christian Church we’re exploring more of the behind the scenes stories of people in the early, first century Church Jesus started. The people who were regulars and long-time worshipers of God were not very welcoming to new people who were just learning to follow Jesus.

If the local church we’re attending and gathering with others weekly for worship becomes annoying, something is wrong. Truth be told, sometimes we IRK each other at work, home, and even church. One of the vital signs of healthy relationships is our enthusiasm. 

When your home life, workplace, and church life is all synchronized and working together, life can be fun. Happy vibes can be contagious for everyone. The trick is finding solutions to get things straightened out sooner, when no one is feeling like a fun day at King’s Island. What then? Check things out this weekend for a fresh perspective from the Bible.

Journey Church Sat@6pm/Sun@10:30am. Join us this weekend at Journey Church and bring a seat buddy. We have a few Bible tips to share for everyone. The series titled, FREE… Jesus' original recipe for the Church He started… is like a prescription when things are not happy days in your private and public life.

Instead of IRKing everyone… choosing sides, digging our heels in, let’s help each other breathe again. “I’m just a nobody, telling everybody, about Somebody who saved my soul.”  Let’s help more people discover Jesus Church again.


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